Hi, I ve had a bad headache in my right temple for a week and a half. It hadn t been a constant headache, it would only hurt when i move my head a certain way, bend down, stand up or strain a certain muscle. The pain i m experiencing with this headache is generally a 8-9 and is sharp and stabbing. Recently it s been getting worse and is a constant headache now, not just hurting when I do certain things (It still hurts when I do the certain things but worse now) and is still sharp and stabbing. I m also experiencing neck pain/stiffness, muscle pain in the thighs and biceps (I can t explain the muscle pain, I haven t been working out or putting any strain on my thigh and bicep muscles), and severe tiredness. My first reaction was that it was just a migraine, but it s unlike any other headache I ve had before. I ve never had a headache last over a couple days, let alone a week and a half, be so specifically located to my right temple, have the pain become more severe in my temple if I do a certain movement or motion, and It s never been this severe. Hopefully you can provide me some answers because I m certainly confused to what s happening with this headache. Thank you.